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Welcome Message

We welcome each and every one from every part of the world to be a part of conference at 23rd Global Summit on Breast Cancer held during December 15-16, 2022 as a WEBINAR.

Breast Cancer Meet 2022 presenting the burning issues and challenges and deals with Breast cancer knowledge and characteristics, Screening, Detecting and Diagnosing Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Therapy.

Breast Cancer Meet 2022 bring together the experts in the field from all over the globe as we share experiences and knowledge and work together on reducing the risk and creating awareness of Breast Cancer.

About Conference

Breast cancer is most common cancer diagnosed in women in the world from other cancer. It occurs both men and women, but mostly common in women. Now days its survival rates have increased and the number of deaths associated with this disease is steadily declining, largely due to factors such as early detection, a new personalized approach to advance treatment and a better understanding of the disease. This is the best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of worldwide Doctors, Scientists, Researchers, Young Researchers Forum, Nurses, physicians, professors and health care people.

Breast Cancer Meet 2022 brings most recent techniques, developments, and the newest updates. This conference will be very beneficial for the students, physicians, nurses, doctors and health care people have face to face meetings with scientists and senior professors. It will also give opportunities to business and to know their market competitors.

Session & Tracks

Track 1: Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer can happen in women and in men also. Breast cancer is cancer that develops from breast tissue include a lump in the breast, a change in breast shape, dimpling of the skin, fluid from the nipple and a red scaly patch of skin on the breast.

For female it cause due to obesity and lack of exercise. It may comprise of chemotherapy, radiation, chemical treatment and medical procedure.

Track 2: Breast Cancer Therapies

In Breast Cancer, different doctors often work together to create a patient’s overall treatment plan that combines different types of treatments is known as multidisciplinary team includes adjuvant chemotherapy medical oncologists, surgical oncologists, radiation oncologists, radiologists and pathologists.

 Track 3: Breast Cancer treatment

Breast Cancer, first should be assigned a multidisciplinary team. Not all women with carcinoma can want chemo, they are many things during which chemo could also be suggested.

Adjuvant chemo Therapy is after surgery do kill any cancer cells that may are left behind or have unfold or cannot be seen even on imaging tests. If this cell grows then they may chance of new tumors in alternative places with in the body. It will lower chance of carcinoma returning.

Similar to adjuvant chemo, neo adjuvant chemo will lower the chance of carcinoma returning the length of treatment depend on however well the chemo is functioning and the way well you tolerate it.

Track 4: Breast Cancer Surgery

Breast Cancer Surgery has two main types of breast cancer surgery: breast-conserving surgery and mastectomy. Most used surgery for Breast cancer is mastectomy. Breast conserving surgery ranges from a wide local excision, where the tumour and a little surrounding breast tissue is removed. After having breast-conserving surgery, they usually are offered radiotherapy to destroy any remaining cancer cells. Malignancy ranges a large portion of ladies need to confront breast a medical procedure as a piece of therapy cause various intricate details are there to eliminate disease cells comprise of Breast monitoring a medical procedure and mastectomy where to discover whether malignant growth is spreading or spread previously including a biopsy or axillary lymph hub analyzation, after expulsion of malignancy process for turning the state of the breast that is Breast recreation.

Track 5: Breast Cancer and Immunology

Breast cancer and immunology is a new way of understanding breast cancer and advance novel therapeutic strategies. Immunotherapy is used of medicines to stimulate a person’s own immune system to identify and destroy cancer cells more effectively. 

There is an increasing awareness of the relationship between the immune system and tumor evolution and the tumor microenvironment is composed of a variety of immune cells that can control or arrest malignant progression.

Track 6: Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is a most effective way to reduce your risk of breast cancer recurring after surgery. Radiation therapy for breast cancer is use of high-energy radiation to kill rapidly growing cancer cells. Radiation therapies are painless and invisible nor not radioactive after treatment, so it is safe be to around other people including children. It damages both healthy cells and cancer cells in the treatment area. Radiation therapy for breast cancer is mainly two types

  • External radiation is the most common used type of radiation therapy used for breast cancer. A large machine knows a linear accelerator delivers high-energy X-ray radiation at either the whole breast or just the area of the breast affected by the cancer.
  • Internal radiation or brachytherapy is used to deliver accelerated partial-breast radiation. A larger dose of radiation is given over a shorter period of time to only the part of the breast where the cancer was, rather than the entire breast.

Track 7: Breast Cancer: Clinical trials

Clinical trials are the best way to treat breast cancer, it mainly focus on new and advance treatments are safe, effective and possibly better than the existing treatments. Some clinical trials find new ways to relieve symptoms early and side effects during treatment. Some people will be offer the opportunity to take part in a clinical trial at some point during the treatment for breast cancer. Sometimes there will use clinical trials to compare diagnostic tests, prevention strategies or other aspects of care. There only conduct trials that should believe may improve some aspect of treatment and outcomes.

Track 8: Breast Cancer during pregnancy

Women who are suffering with breast cancer during pregnancy have tremendous additional strain due to concern for the safety of the unborn child. For mother, it can be a traumatic and extremely difficult situation although the cancer itself cannot spread to and harm the unborn child. The decisions will require the expertise and consultation between the obstetrician, surgeon, medical oncologist, and radiation oncologist. Mothers also need the emotional support of family and friends and may benefit from the professional assistance of a skilled counsellor or psychologist.

Track 9: Male Breast Cancer Research

Men Breast Cancer seen to be less than women. The most common type is seen in both women and men are called invasive ductal carcinoma. Some men develop rarer types of breast cancer called inflammatory breast cancer. It occurred between the ages of 60 and 70. All men produce small amounts of the hormone known as oestrogen, but high oestrogen levels causes to a higher breast cancer risk. High oestrogen levels can occur who are very overweight, chronic liver conditions such as cirrhosis and some genetic conditions

Track 10: Mammography

Mammography is the process of using low energy X-rays to examine the human breast for diagnosis and screening is also known as mastography. Mammography has a false-negative rate, over analysis, and overtreatment of at least ten per cent, due to dense tissue obscuring the cancer and the appearance of cancer on mammograms having a large overlap with the appearance of normal tissue. Mammography related controversies are also there because of False-positive results, over diagnosis, and overtreatment, False-negative results, Radiation exposure, etc.

Track 11: Breast Cancer Detection, Prevention and Diagnosis

Sometimes breast cancer is found after symptoms appear, but many women with breast cancer will not find any symptoms. After knowing early treatment is always better and can be done through screening methods. If any family history is there for breast cancer, then one should go for the advice of a doctor. Screening methods that includes medical breast examination, mammography, and other imaging techniques.

Track 12: Breast Cancer Nursing

Nurses play a significant role during the treatment of breast cancer because they can help the patient to build physically and mentally. They can educate and inform patients about risk factors, ways to reduce them. Nurses involved in breast cancer care have an impact on the early discovery of breast cancer, treatment, and they serve as supporters and believers for women with the disease.

Track 13: Epidemiology of breast cancer and Risk Factors

Breast cancer frequency rates increase sharply with age, becoming substantial before the age of 50 years. Main risk factors that occur are during the premenopausal years, the rate of increase in prevalence is common around the world, nearly 8%-9% per year, breastfeeding each child for less than 6 months, and physical inactivity, are each linked to an estimated 3% of female breast cancer cases. Some other factors that include oral contraceptives; hormone replacement therapy, ionizing radiation, and diethylstilboestrol use in pregnancy are causes of breast cancer and lifestyle factors including overweight and obesity, alcohol and certain occupational exposures.

Track 14: Inflammatory Breast Cancer

One of the most aggressive types of breast cancer taking place in women of any age is inflammatory breast cancer. The typical presentation is rapid swelling, sometimes allied with skin changes, persistent itching rapid increase in breast size, redness and nipple retraction. It is often regarded as systemic cancer. Breast cancer is diagnosed by a surgery where it confirms as Malignancy Ultrasound is useful for observing at some breast changes, such as lumps or changes in women with dense breast tissue particularly those that can be felt but not seen on a mammogram that are best breast cancer screening tests.

Track 15: Mastectomy

Mastectomy is the clinical term for the careful evacuation of breasts to some degree or totally. It is generally completely to treat breast disease. Individuals accepted to be at high danger of breast malignancy have the activity as a preventive measure at sometimes.

  • Total (simple) mastectomy
  • Double mastectomy
  • Radical mastectomy
  • Modified radical mastectomy
  • Skin-sparing mastectomy
  • Nipple-sparing mastectomy

Track 16: Breast Cancer and Cell Biology

Cancer cells are very complex cells and it is stimulating for clinicians to manage breast cancer therapy. Tumor cells are having different phenotypes and decontrolled apoptotic and these characteristics are responsible for improper therapeutic response. For multidrug resistance events major role is played by membrane transporters, the cell’s first line of contact with anticancer drugs. So cell structure and biological properties of the cell leads to drug-resistant and to a decrease in the intracellular activity of drugs.

Track 17: Metastatic Breast Cancer

Metastatic Breast Cancer development moreover called stage IV is Breast illness that has been spread to one more piece of the body, most normally the liver, psyche, bones, or lungs. Harmful development cells can part away from the main growth in the breast and travel to several bits of the body through the circulatory framework or the lymphatic structure, which is a tremendous association of centres and vessels that endeavours to dispose of microorganisms, contaminations and cell results.

Track 18: Breast Cancer Risk

According to the recent studies combination of factors are responsible for breast cancer risk. The main factor is most of the breast cancer cases noticed in women in between age 50 or older, Genetic mutations are also risk factor behind breast cancer. Mutations in certain genes like BRCA1 and BRCA2 can spirit from one generation to other generation and it cause increase the risk of breast cancer.

Track 19: Diet and lifestyle effect on Breast Cancer

A healthy diet and continuing correct weight can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Smoking during early majority and adolescence can increase the risk factor of breast cancer in the early stage of life. Reducing the alcohol consumption will helps in prevention of Breast Cancer. Physical activities mainly after menopause like cycling, walking, playing with children help in reducing the risk of breast cancer. Breastfeeding will also reduce the risk of breast cancer. Hormone replacement therapy is used to contraceptive pill can increase the menace of breast cancer. For Women Pregnancy also affects breast cancer who have starting their family early are at lower breast cancer risk than the women who are giving birth at a late age.

Track 20: Radiology

Radiologists are medical doctors that major in diagnosing and treating injuries and diseases using medical imaging procedures such as X-rays, computed tomography (CT), The nurses is involved in help to the care of patients before and after imaging or procedures, with administration of medications, monitoring of vital signs and monitoring of sedated patients magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear medicine, positron emission tomography (PET) and ultrasound.

Market Analysis

The breast cancer therapy market was valued at USD 20,206 million and it is expected to reach approximately USD 32,603 million by 2026, with an anticipated CAGR of 8.3% during the forecast period, 2021-2026. Fastest Growing market is Asia Pacific and Largest Market. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the market is expected to face a slight setback owing to the delay in diagnosis, drug shortages, and other factors. Further, patients suffering from breast cancer are at higher risk of acquiring COVID-19. Furthermore, the rising number of research studies associated with breast cancer therapy is expected to accelerate the market growth during the forecast period.

Associations & Societies

  • American Cancer Society
  • American Medical Women's Association
  • American Society for Radiation Oncology
  • American Society of Paediatric Hematology/Oncology
  • Association of Cancer Physicians
  • Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Women’s Health
  • Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses
  • Breast Screen Australia Program
  • Cancer Relief Society Nepal
  • Cancer Society of Finland
  • Cancer Society of New Zealand
  • Caribbean Women's Health Association
  • European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)
  • Indonesian Society of Gynecologic Oncology
  • International Association for Women's Mental Health
  • International Gynecologic Cancer Society
  • Iranian Society of Radiation Oncology
  • Japanese Breast Cancer Society
  • New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation (NZBCF)
  • Society for Women's Health Research
  • Spanish Association for Cancer Research (CMA)
  • Thai Gynecologic Cancer Society

Target Audience

  • Radiologist
  • Radiation Oncologist
  • Radiation Therapist
  • Medical Oncologist
  • Breast Care Nurse
  • Surgeon
  • Reconstructive (plastic) Surgeon
  • Lymphoedema Therapist
  • Breast Cancer Surgeons, pathologists
  • Nurse Practitioners/Nurses
  • Healthcare Faculty
  • Medical Colleges
  • Healthcare Associations and Societies
  • Business Entrepreneurs
  • Training Institutes
  • Manufacturing Medical Devices Companies
  • Data Management Companies


To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date December 15-16, 2022

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Breast Cancer: Current Research Journal of Cancer Science and Research Journal of Oncology Translational Research

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